Selected publications featuring photos by Deane Lewis
Günther Theischinger & John Hawking. 2021. "The Complete Guide to Dragonflies of Australia" (CSIRO Publishing)
Page 75: Large Wiretail (male).
Nick Leseberg and Iain Campbell. 2015. "Birds & Animals of Australia's Top End" (Princeton)
Page 45: Royal Spoonbill & Glossy Ibis, page 85: Pacific Baza, page 173: Little Woodswallow, page 179: Sandstone Shrike-thrush,
page 187: Australasian Bushlark, page 205: Sugar Glider, page 215: Ghost Bat, page 235: Slender Rainbow-skink.
Sue Taylor. 2013. "Best 100 Birdwatching Sites in Australia" (Newsouth)
Page 160: Panorama of Lake Bindegolly.
David Chandler and Steve Cham. 2013. "Dragonfly" (New Holland Publishers)
Frontispiece: Painted Grasshawk,
page 29: Red Swampdragon, page 62: Wandering Glider (Globe Skimmer).

Liliane De Boeck-Pauchet. 2013. "Watervogels Houden" (Aviornis International)
Page 669: Female Hardhead, Male Hardhead.
Leonard Cronin. 2012. "Fairy Martin Petrochelidon ariel" in "Gardening Australia" July 2012 (News Life Media)
Page 64: Fairy Martins.
Sean Dooley. 2012. "The Trouble with Ravens" in "Australian Birdlife" Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2012 (Birdlife Australia)
Page 57: Torresian Crow.
Marleen Acton. 2012. "Rainforest Birds of the Southern Wet Tropics" (Birdlife Townsville)
Page 13: Wompoo Fruit-Dove, page 23: Noisy Pitta, page 45: Golden Whistler,
page 49: Black-faced Monarch.
Peter Ridgeway. 2012. "Wildlife of Western Sydney: Mammals" photo guide (Catchment Management Authority Hawkesbury-Nepean)
Water Rat, Grey-headed Flying Fox.
Peter Ridgeway. 2012. "Wildlife of Western Sydney: Reptiles" photo guide (Catchment Management Authority Hawkesbury-Nepean)
Bar-sided Skink, Burton's Legless Lizard.
Emma I. Greig, Katherine Spendel and Nick C. Brandley. 2010. "A predator-elicited vocalisation in the Variegated Fairy-wren
(Malurus lamberti)" in "Emu - Journal of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union" Volume 110, Issue 2 (CSIRO Publishing)
Front Cover and page 165: Variegated Fairy-wren.
Trevor Quested. 2010. "Garnett's Lagoon" in "The Bird Observer" No. 865 (Bird Observation & Conservation Australia)
Page 13: Panorama of Garnett's Lagoon, Latham's Snipe,
Curlew Sandpiper.
Natural Resource Management Inc. 2010. "Coastal Birds of the Great Sandy Biosphere" (Burnett Mary Regional Group)
Page 9: White-faced Heron, page 18: Black-winged Stilt, page 50: Mistletoebird.
Marleen Acton and Martin Willis. 2009. "Woodland Birds of the Burdekin Dry Tropics" (Burdekin Solutions Ltd.)
Page 27: Variegated Fairy-wren, page 29: White-throated Gerygone, page 37:
Striped Honeyeater, page 51: Mistletoebird.